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Sustainable Development

The INK Group follows the concepts of sustainable development by integrating ESG-factors into its activity (Environmental, Social and Governance). Commitment to the best ESG-practices is the basis of implementing strategic priorities of the Group and an integral component of its business strategy.

A starting point of the Group can be deemed the year of 2008 when the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) became the shareholder of JSC INK-Capital (holding companyy of the Group). This was a momentous event for the Group: work processes were infused with the best global standards and practices in occupational health, industrial and environmental protection.

In 2009, Irkutsk Oil Company LLC presented a project of gas re-injection at the Yaraktinsky field that was internally appraised later on. In 2012, the company received two awards: EBRD awarded the company for achievements in sustainable development, and the Global Bank for achievements in disposal of associated petroleum gas.

In 2013, the Group implemented an integrated health, safety and environment system and started to undertake annual certification audit successfully confirming its compliance with international requirements.

In 2017, the company’s mission and values were formulated which reflected ESG agenda in full. Responsible business practices are a key component of the corporate culture of the INK Group.

Our Mission

We live in this region and work to ensure that the use of Eastern Siberia’s mineral resources secures a decent present and a sustainable future for the region and its people. We cherish the life and health of our people, and we care about the unique nature of our land.

Our Core Values


Safety encompasses such areas as production, labor conditions, life and health of personnel and population, environmental protection, economy and other areas.


The Group is aimed at long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation with stakeholders and expects them to share its views in compliance with sustainable development principles. Interaction with partners is based on openness and transparency.


The Group takes an initiative-taking position in implementing sustainable development principles. Innovative technologies are implemented and production processes are automated; expertise is applied in business ethics and anti-corruption.


The principle of responsible attitude to sustainable development and social responsibility are the primary factors in management when implementing projects of the INK Group.


The Group recognizes inviolability of rights of everyone, their dignity and freedom and tries to ensure their protection. Irkutsk Oil Company LLC has formed conditions for everyone to express their opinions, for training and continuity of generations.

Оbjectives of sustainable development

“The company tries to follow primary goals adopted by the UN in 2015 in terms of environmental protection, society and corporative management. A conscious movement in this direction is more than an attribute of mature corporate culture but also a necessary condition for business development in a long-term perspective. What seemed strange and even fantastic as far back as five years ago is a reality today that requires balanced decisions and competent management”,

General Director of JSC INK-Capital, Marina Sedykh

The INK Group contributes to achievement of 17 sustainable development goals, 8 which are approved by the Board of Directors of JSC INK-Capital of top-priority according to the specifics of its activity.

Sustainable Development and ESG Policy

In 2021, the INK Group adopted the Sustainable Development Policy that is a fundamental document defining the principles and areas of the Group’s activities in sustainable development and management of ESG-factors.

Moreover, primary approaches and principles in sustainable development are recorded in the following documents of the Group: