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Occupational Health and Safety

Safety is one of the INK Group's core values. Safety issues are assigned a top priority given the rapid development of business, the growing number of production facilities and the increase in potential risks.

The INK Group implements methods, technologies and labour practices aimed primarily at improving occupational safety. Over the years, we have been able to significantly improve the reliability of the equipment and reduce the level of injuries and accidents. The Group began to actively use risk-oriented approaches in planning and building its production processes, which help ensure business sustainability and apply best practices in occupational health and safety. Dozens of specialised programmes, applications, and modules aimed at improving the efficiency of production facilities and processes management through automation and digitalisation have been implemented.

An industrial safety management system is in place to ensure the reliable operation of production facilities in hazard classes I and II. It provides a systematic approach to meeting the necessary requirements in the Group and allows us to influence the factors that affect the level of industrial safety.

As of 2024, the INK Group has 97 registered hazardous production facilities (22 of them have extremely high or high hazard). In accordance with the legislation, licenses have been obtained to operate explosion and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I, II and III.

Since 2020, the Group has been implementing the MyObject Industrial Safety Management System. The system speeds up the search and processing of information about the condition of hazardous industrial facilities, provides online access to data for managers and specialists, and reduces the time required to generate the necessary reporting to the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostechnadzor).

Every year, the INK group obtains a comprehensive industrial risk insurance package, which includes:

  • Property insurance (covers losses associated with risks in the operation of facilities and equipment).
  • Insurance of civil liability and liability related to environmental pollution.
  • Business interruption insurance.

An ambitious goal has been set to achieve zero injuries at work. In 2020, the INK Group officially joined the international Vision Zero concept. Companies participating in this program strive to work without injuries or occupational illnesses. To achieve this result, the concept proposes to continuously assess and standardise indicators of safety, occupational health and wellbeing of workers at all levels of production.

The INK Group has built a system for managing occupational safety risks. It allows identifying hazards and risks at each stage of the work and develop measures to minimise them. All incidents are subject to mandatory registration and investigation. Advanced international techniques for internal investigation of accidents — Kelvin TOP-SET and Tripod Beta — are used and their implementation has led to significant results in reducing injuries.

In accordance with the applicable laws, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out at workplaces. As of 2024, Irkutsk Oil Company LLC carried out a special assessment of working conditions at 3,327 workplaces, where 65% had acceptable working conditions (class 2), while 15% and 20% had working conditions of class 3, 1 and 2, respectively. Based on the results of the assessment, a list of measures to improve working conditions for employees has been developed.

The occupational safety management system establishes uniform work organisation requirements for all Group companies.

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