Contractors Site Map Rus

Environmental Protection

An integral part of activities intended to achieve sustainable development goals is environmental care. The INK Group monitors its compliance with the Russian environmental protection laws at production facilities and the environmental condition and implements the best global environmental practices in its activities.


Areas in the field of environmental protection


Following the principles of sustainable development, companies of the Group do not operate at specially protected natural sites, their protection zones, World Natural Heritage sites, wetlands of international significance.

All personnel of the Group make their contribution to the achievement of environmental safety goals. Apart from specialised subdivisions, an eco-group of volunteering corporative movement acts in Irkutsk Oil Company LLC. Joint efforts are intended to improve the environmental knowledge of personnel.


Strict environmental requirements are applied to companies of the Group and contractors. Contractors operating at the production facilities are guided by internal regulatory documents of Irkutsk Oil Company LLC: Health, Safety, and Environmental Policy (HSE), waste handling standards and instructions, etc.

Facilities of the Group provide planned inspections of compliance with environmental protection requirements. 124 field audits are completed in 2020 with corrective measures taken for all identified breaches.