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Internal Audit Committee

The Internal Audit Committee of JSC INK-Capital (hereinafter referred to as the Company) being a permanent elective body shall carry out control over the Company’s financial and business operations, activity of its management bodies and officers (including its separate units, departments, branches and representative offices) by arranging from time to time documentary and physical audits.

In its work the Internal Audit Committee of the Company is governed by the laws of the Russian Federation, Company Charter, the Regulations on the Internal Audit Committee of JSC INK-Capital, and other internal documents of the Company relating to the Internal Audit Committee’s activity.

The Company’s Internal Audit Committee competence is set forth by the Federal Law On Joint Stock Companies and the Company Charter.


The Company engages independent external auditors to conduct an audit of accounting (financial) statements prepared in accordance with the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The following criteria are taken into account in selecting the external auditor:

  • independence of the auditor, determined on the basis of a number of factors, including through assessment of the scope of non-audit services provided by the applicant company;
  • the auditor's experience and qualifications to provide the required quality of services within an acceptable timeframe;
  • the auditor's performance in the preceding period.
Since 2009, the INK Group's reserves assessment report has been prepared by the independent auditor in accordance with the international PRMS (Petroleum Resources Management System) classification based on direct participation interest ratio.