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Initiation of Joint Feasibility Study of Ammonia Value Chain between Eastern Siberia and Japan for future blue ammonia introduction

December 24, 2020

Irkutsk Oil Company (“IOC”), Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (“JOGMEC”), Toyo Engineering Corporation (“TOYO”) and Itochu Corporation (“ITOCHU”) will work on a joint feasibility study of blue ammonia value chain between Eastern Siberia and Japan in line with the Memorandum of Understanding signed between IOC and JOGMEC back in July 2020.
ИНК, JOGMEC, TOYO и ITOCHU разработают ТЭО производства «голубого» аммиака в Восточной Сибири
Blue ammonia is one of the candidates for the next-generation carbon-free fuel as it does not emit GHG when utilized. Blue ammonia can be produced by conventional means from natural gas combined with CO2 capture technology, whereas the captured CO2 will be utilized for CO2-EOR. Since its properties are identical to that of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), ammonia can be stored and transported using similar infrastructure. 
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