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The Baikal Risk Forum-2023 to be held in October in Irkutsk

June 6, 2023

The VII International Baikal Risk Forum (BRIF’23) is scheduled for October 2-6. This year, the organizers and participants are looking into two essential aspects of sustainable development – industrial ecology and social partnership.
Байкальский риск-форум 2023 пройдет в октябре в Иркутске

JSC INK-Capital will host the forum and Irkutsk Oil Company will join as the general sponsor. BRIF’23 is supported by the Governor of the Irkutsk Region Igor Kobzev and the regional government, under which the organizing committee of the forum functions.

Leading experts will discuss the macroeconomic situation, issues related to social partnership, import substitution and interaction with small and medium-sized businesses during the five days of the BRIF’23, each of which will be centered around its own topic. The focus of attention is expected to be on safety and biodiversity conservation in the areas where large industrial production is present. Vyacheslav Fetisov, chairman of the Central Council of the All-Russian Society of Nature Conservation, was invited to contribute to the environment-related sessions.  

The BRIF’23 will provide ample opportunities to discuss the prospects of regional development. A plenary session themed “Sustainability of Regions: Government-Business Interaction” is planned with participation of Governors of Siberia and the Far East, as well as representatives of leading Russian businesses. The discussions will focus on a wide range of topics – from conservation of the regions’ water resources to local community engagement.

Giving due consideration to the topic of the day, BRIF will feature a session “AI and Neural Networks” where speakers will present real cases of digital technologies being deployed to address sustainability tasks.   

Partners, speakers and viewers are welcome to register on the official website of the VII International Baikal Risk Forum. The BRIF public pages are available to follow in Telegram, Vkontakte, Zen and YouTube.

BRIF is the first international real-case risk management forum in Eastern Siberia and the Far East where the largest Russian and foreign companies share their risk-based solutions for business.

Since the BRIF was first held in 2017, more than 450 real cases in risk management and business continuity have been presented. The total audience of the forum counts above 1 million people. More than 700 world-level experts and real sector top-managers have appeared at the BRIF.

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