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Ten thousand people have written the Baikal Environmental Dictation in Russia

May 17, 2023

Around 10 thousand citizens representing 21 regions of Russia took part in the III Baikal Environmental Dictation. Irkutsk Oil Company (INK) traditionally became the general sponsor of the event.
 Байкальский экологический диктант написали 10 тысяч жителей России

The dictation was organized by the Irkutsk branch of the All-Russian Society of Nature Conservation and Baikal State University with the support from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Irkutsk Region, the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region and the Ministry of Culture of the Irkutsk Region.

The event was held on the Day of Environmental Education in Russia and hosted by Baikal State University. The dictation was broadcast to 350 other venues in the country. Representatives of the regional government, deputies, scientists, teachers, students and members of community organizations were gathered in Baikal State University to take the challenge, while INK employees tested their knowledge in the company’s office.

Writing down the text took around 40 minutes, with a focus not only on the mastery of the Russian language, but also on the knowledge of Lake Baikal. All attendees received participation certificates.

The geography of the project, as well as the number of participants, is growing each year. The Baikal Environmental Dictation was first held in 2021 with 2,500 participants from the Irkutsk Region and 8 other regions of Russia. In 2022, the event attracted more than 4.5 thousand people living in 12 regions of the country.

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