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Residents of Katangsky district have approved the Company's plans

December 22, 2010

On December 13, 2010, public consultations related to the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of implementation the development projects of Irkutsk Oil Company’s subsidiaries, ‘INK-Zapad’, and ‘INK-Sever’ were held with locals in the Erbogachen village.
Общественность Катангского района одобрила планы ИНК по дальнейшей разведке Западно-Ярактинского и Северо-Могдинского лицензионных участков

On December 13, 2010, public consultations related to the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of implementation the development projects of Irkutsk Oil Company’s subsidiaries, ‘INK-Zapad’, and ‘INK-Sever’ were held with locals in the Erbogachen village. Public consultations were attended by a group of 17 people including residents of Katangsky district and the following officials: Ms. Olga Verkhoturova, mayor of the Katangsky district, Mr. Alexei Dyakov, Head of Environmental and Land Use Department of Irkutsk Oil Company and his deputy Mr. Alexander Vorobyev, Mr. Maxim Korenev, a representative of INK-Sever and INK-Zapad, as well as representatives of communities and NGO.

The agenda of public consultations included the results of EIA and the presentations of two projects:

1. Drilling of exploration and appraisal wells #s 312 and 313 at West-Yaraktinsky license block and сonstruction of the related infrastructure;

2. Drilling of exploration wells #s 303, 304 and 305 at North-Mogdinsky license block and сonstruction of the related infrastructure.

The participants discussed the agenda and resolved to approve and recommend for implementation the design of the projects related to drilling and building the infrastructure at both wells #s 312 and 313 at West-Yaraktinsky license block and wells #s 303, 304 and 305 at North-Mogdinsky license block as well as a project of oil transportation system at the Danilovsky field.

In conclusion, the participants noted their readiness to cooperate with Irkutsk Oil Company, which for a short time of its history, has contributed a lot to the social development of the municipality.

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