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Preparation of the gas pipeline route starts

July 24, 2014

In July 2014, the construction unit of INK began ground preparations for the gas pipeline tack, which will be installed between the oil treatment facilities at Yaraktinsky field and the processing facilities of the city of Ust’-Kut. It measures at a grand total of 205 kilometers, making it the most aspiring gas pipeline venture in the region yet. It begins in the Yaraktinsky field, emerges near the Verkhnemarkovo village, runs along the existing INK oil pipeline and road «Viluy», crosses the Nizhnyaya Tunguska, the Malaya Tira and the Bolshaya Tira River, along with various passages and the ESPO pipeline.
ИНК приступает к подготовке трассы под строительство газопроводной системы

In July 2014, the construction unit of INK began ground preparations for the gas pipeline tack, which will  be installed between the oil treatment facilities at Yaraktinsky field and the processing facilities of the  city of Ust’-Kut.. It measures at a grand total of 205 kilometers, making it the most aspiring gas pipeline venture in the region yet. It begins   in the Yaraktinsky field, emerges near the Verkhnemarkovo village, runs along the existing INK oil pipeline and road «Viluy», crosses the Nizhnyaya Tunguska, the Malaya Tira and the Bolshaya Tira River, along with various passages and the ESPO pipeline. 

This channel will enable transportation of components of associated and natural gas from the Yaraktinsky and Markovsky fields. The activities accompanying the initiation of this itinerary will include forest clearing, site preparation, and year-round road construction. All of this is expected to be completed by 2015. Afterwards,  the subcontractors will start  establishing the pipes themselves.

For project implementation, the company purchased excavators, bulldozers, and special vehicles.Moreover, INK bought forestry clearing equipment such as mulnchers, chippers, and grinders which will allow for the clearing of the surrounding area of the pipeline route for a total width of 90 meters. The company hired an additional 56 employees to operate this new equipment.  

The project of associated and natural gas products pipeline was approved by public consultations conducted in the Ust’-Kutsky district and the Verkhnemarkovo city council in May 2014. The pipeline will enable transportation of 161 000 tons of liquids to Ust’-Kut in 2015.
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