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HR Policy

The Group’s close-knit professional team is its main asset. Because of this, the company’s Human Resources department is focused on implementing the most advanced techniques and solutions in the field of personnel policy.

Staff training and development

Irkutsk Oil Company pays great attention to staff development. Each employee frequently takes various development courses and can pursue additional educational programs in the country or abroad. The company’s HR policies create a favorable environment for employees’ self-improvement, new skill development, and career advancement.

Social responsibility

Irkutsk Oil Company takes care of the economic and social welfare of its staff and encourages long-term and conscientious work, providing significant opportunities for professional growth. All salaries are indexed annually and supported with various bonuses. The company has developed and uses a policy of guarantees and compensations. Moreover, Irkutsk Oil sees it as an obligation to create favorable work conditions and guarantee government-mandated labor rights and freedoms to its staff.

Feedback System

Constantly improving working conditions remains a priority of Irkutsk Oil’s personnel policy. To achieve this, the company actively uses feedback mechanisms. Management regularly travels to production areas in order to meet the staff in the fields and listen to their comments and suggestions. In addition, employees can meet senior executives face to face, make a phone call, or send a message to them on personal matters. The staff is given great opportunities to make a personal contribution to the improvement of working conditions. The most interesting ideas are recognized in the corporate competition called "I Suggest!" and are put into practice.

Привлекательный работодательIn 2013, Europe’s leading staffing agency, ‘Superjob’, placed the Group among the very top in a list of 850,000+ most desirable employers.