Public hearing to be held in Katangsky District on INK’s Danilovsky field facility
The public discussions of the facility “High-pressure gas re-injection pipeline from the tie-in point to well pad 1 of the Danilovsky oil and gas condensate field” will be organized by the administration of the Katangsky municipal district jointly with Irkutsk Oil Company.
The schedule of the public discussions: October 25 – November 27, 2023.
The public hearing on the facility “High-pressure gas re-injection pipeline from the tie-in point to well pad 1 of the Danilovsky oil and gas condensate field” is scheduled to be held on November 15, 2023 at 11:00 am local time in the conference room of the administration building of the Katangsky municipal district (6 Komsomolskaya str., Yerbogachyon village).
The full text of the notice is available in Sustainable Development section.
Public hearing to be held in Ust-Kut on INK’s facility in Ichyodinsky field | Marina Sedykh: INK is developing a climate strategy to reduce direct greenhouse gas emissions |