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Irkutsk Oil Company significantly increases oil and condensate production in 1H10

June 30, 2010

In the first half of 2010, Irkutsk Oil Company increased oil and condensate production to 303,000 tons, an 88.7% increase over to the same period last year.
Иркутская нефтяная компания увеличила в 1-м полугодии 2010 года добычу нефти и конденсата на 88,7%

In the first half of 2010, Irkutsk Oil Company increased oil and condensate production to 303,000 tons, an 88.7% increase over to the same period last year. Most of the growth in semi-annual production was achieved at the Yarakta field, 251,500 tons (94.2% increase), and the Danilovo field, 26,400 tons (67.1% increase). The West Ayan field, where trial production started in 2009, reported 6,500 tons of production (50% increase).

Irkutsk Oil Company projects a total production at 650,000 tons of oil and condensate from all fields in 2010.

Determination of gas re-injection JI project at Yarakta field successfully completed Irkutsk Oil Company and Japanese Trading Company Marubeni (Marubeni Corporation) sign Memorandum of Understanding